My grandparents on my father’s side were Scottish, and lived to a ripe old age. One of the factors that I attribute this to was their daily consumption of porridge for breakfast.
So, I’ve been eating porridge for breakfast for the last few years, with a nod both to my grandparental traditional and to the nutritional benefits of oats, blueberries, cinnamon and non-dairy milk (which are rather clearer today than they were for that generation).
Ingredients necessary for porridge are (all organic, where possible):
- porridge oats
- unsweetened almond milk
- cinnamon
- frozen blueberries and cranberries
- milled flaxseeds (and other seeds)
The very simple process to prepare (over less than 5 minutes) a porridge-based daily breakfast are as follows…
Take three “ice cream”-sized scoops of oats

Measure 2/3 cup of almond milk, and add to the bowl

Microwave the porridge for 2 minutes 40 seconds or so (depending on the power of your oven)

While porridge is cooking, defrost blueberries and cranberries with tap water

Remove porridge from microwave and add cinnamon, berries and milled flaxseed

Serve porridge with a drink (90% water, 10% juice, with a tablespoon of wheatgrass powder) and a banana

And that’s it. Quick, healthy, simple, tasty. Enjoy!