by MikeD | Dec 22, 2016 | Music
#3 of the 5 tracks in my “resolution” series, “Finding Faces in Clouds” was created in October 2010, and, after the entirely electronic nature of the previous track, I was determined to get a “real” guitar involved. So, I used my Linda Manzer handmade...
by MikeD | Dec 18, 2016 | Music
#2 of the 5 tracks in my “resolution” series, “Going Home” was created in September 2010, and is entirely electronic (so, no “real” guitar, let alone voice appearing at any point). Again, all of the instruments are from Logic Pro...
by MikeD | Dec 16, 2016 | Music
I created this track back in August of 2010. It was the first of 5 tracks I made under a self-imposed regime in which I made a public resolution to finish and publish one track per month rather than never quite finishing anything (and getting into an...